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Root Canal Therapy

We offer endodontic procedures, such as root canal therapy, to our dental patients in Ottawa.

Why get root canal therapy?

We may recommend root canal therapy for patients who have developed or are developing an infection inside a tooth. This type of infection usually cannot clear up on its own or with antibiotics.

Root canal therapy is performed to remove the infection and prevent its spread to nearby tissues. In this way, tooth abscesses and subsequent tooth loss are usually avoided.

What happens during root canal therapy?

During root canal therapy, Dr. Major removes infected pulp from the canals inside your tooth's roots. These cleaned canals are then filled with durable material to seal the tooth to try and prevent it from getting re-infected.

Teeth that have been root canal treated sometimes require a crown to strengthen the tooth. If root canal therapy is something you are considering or if you have been advised to undergo the procedure, your Sandy Hill Dental Centre team is here to help you make your decision.

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We provide our patients with fillings for cavities, or crowns for broken or cracked teeth that need to be fixed.

Cosmetic Dental Services, Ottawa Dentist

Cosmetic Services

Sandy Hill Dental offers cosmetic services including teeth whitening, veneers and implants.

Invisalign®, Sandy Hill Dental Centre, Ottawa


We offer Invisalign® services for patients looking for orthodontic solutions for their smiles.

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